Almost 150 solar modules now sit atop Taunton’s swimming pool after the local council commissioned the installation of a solar PV array to help the centre combat climbing energy bills.

The 90kWp array was designed and installed by local installer Earth Elements, who estimates that the system will provide 90kWh of electricity per day – enough electricity to cover the daily demand of ten households.

The council predicts that the solar array will help slash the area’s carbon footprint by 18 tonnes a year. However, the council is also excited by the financial benefits provided by the array, earning an income of around £10,000 per year from the FiT scheme.   

Climate Change Champion Cllr Ken Hayward told This is The West Country: “I’m delighted that this project has now been completed. Through it, not only does Tone Leisure benefit from reduced electricity costs, but Taunton Deane Borough Council, and, therefore, our rate payers, also benefits from a new revenue stream created from renewable energy.”

He added: “Taunton Deane Borough Council is also showing the way for companies and individual households to embrace renewable energy.