Armstrong Energy’s 22MW Chalgrove Solar Farm in Oxfordshire has been hit by a fire in an inverter unit.

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service was called to an incident at the farm, located in Easington near Watlington, on Friday afternoon after reports of an “intense blaze”.

A spokesperson for Armstrong Energy confirmed to Solar Power Portal that the fire was the result of a faulty inverter unit, but that the inverter’s use of concrete housing had helped prevent the fire from spreading and kept it contained.

The farm is expected to lose 10% of its overall capacity over the course of the next week as a result of the incident.

While the spokesperson would not confirm the identity of the inverter supplier, it is understood to be a tier one company and Armstrong said it had “reacted well” to the incident and was due to replace the unit this week.

Chalgrove Solar Farm was only connected to the National Grid in March as developers sought to complete farms prior to the 1.4ROC deadline, with Solar Intelligence having forecasted as much as 2.5GW of capacity was added in Q1 2015.

The fire is the latest incident to occur due to a faulty inverter with a number of solar farms in the south west, including the 7.3MW Hope Solar Park operated by Low Carbon, reporting similar stories.