Chesham open air swimming pool has turned to solar photovoltaic technology to help mitigate the rising cost of electricity and dramatically reduce its carbon footprint.
Chesham Moor Gym & Swim’s gym manager contacted Wokingham-based solar installer, InstaGen, to help the pool save money on its fuel bills, earn income from the feed-in tariff as well as combat climate change. InstaGen identified the gym’s flat roof as an area suitable for housing 40 InstaGen 245w modules.
It is estimated that the 10kWp array will generate over 8,000kWh of electricity, enough to save over 4 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere every year. The energy generated will be used to power the pool’s heaters – the gym’s largest energy expense.
A solar monitoring tool was also installed which feeds down into a display mounted in the gym’s reception. The display shows all visitors what the system is generating and the gym’s overall CO2 savings.