Any solar installer will tell you that roof hooks and roof tiles have a notoriously difficult relationship. Often it is hard to install the former without damaging the latter. A new shock absorbing roof tile, HookStop, has been specifically designed from the ground up to improve the durability of solar PV arrays.
Revealed at Solar Power UK, the patented tile is designed to replace fragile plain or rosemary tiles that sit directly under the roof hooks used to support the mounting rails of a typical roof-mounted solar array.
“Even when great care is taken, every PV installer knows how easy it is to break fragile plain tiles during – and even after – system installation,” says David Jackson of Hexstone’s Stainless Threaded Fasteners, one of the first stockists of the new product.
“The new HookStop tile is unique. It’s an inexpensive and invaluable addition to any PV installer’s toolkit and feedback from visitors to the recent exhibition was exceptional. It's not only really easy to fit; an installer can stand on the roof hooks or mounting rail without the risk of breaking the tiles that sit underneath the hooks. This can save a lot of time and, of course, reduce installation costs and aggravation.”