Solar photovoltaics company Redland, a brand of the Monier Group, will be exhibiting four new solar PV products at this year’s Ecobuild in London.
Offering a new inline solution for natural slates, concrete and clay plain tiles, three new Redland Solar PV Tiles will be showcased alongside the company’s new interlocking Slate 10 range. Redland will also exhibit the On Top PV system, which includes a unique fixing hook designed to comply with forthcoming MCS 012 standard.
Sarah Orio, Marketing Manager at Redland, said: “Visitors to our stand at Ecobuild will be able to see just how innovative our solar PV technology really is. Redland Solar PV Tiles have already been installed across the country, withstanding the worst of recent British weather and our On-top system is designed to do exactly that too.”
Laurence Carlier, the company’s Market Development Manager, said: “With decades of experience in designing and manufacturing guaranteed roofing systems it would seem logical for anyone considering solar PV technologies on roofs to look at our PV portfolio. Ecobuild represents an excellent opportunity for people to see this first hand”.
Ecobuild will be held at London’s Excel Centre from March 20-22. You can visit the team behind the Solar Power Portal on stand N3705.