Forster, a Scottish roofing specialist, has installed a Redland solar photovoltaic system on their own offices in Brechin, Scotland.
The 3.24kWp solar array consists of nine Redland on-top PV panels and nine integrated solar PV tiles. Forster hopes that the solar installation will help significantly reduce the company’s carbon footprint and allow the company to financially benefit from electricity savings.
Forster’s Managing Director, Steve Scott said: “We decided on Redland for this project based on the confidence we drew from having successfully worked with them for many years, benefitting from their understanding of traditional roof design and their track record for producing quality roofing products.”
Scott added: “With the strong wind and rain we are all too familiar with here in Scotland, we recognised the importance of the fixings and installation process in ensuring the long term security and weather tightness of our roof. Both the integrated and on-top systems proved incredibly easy to install and the whole job was completed within a week.”
Redland Sales Director, Andy Dennis commented: ‘We are delighted to see our integrated and on-top solar PV systems utilised by Forster. Having such an established and reputable contractor use our PV systems and tiles on their own premises demonstrates the confidence they have in our product design.”