Norway-based solar energy company Innotech has received accreditation under the microgeneration certification scheme (MCS) for its Solar Economy Project product range. Granted by BABT/TUV Product Service, the Economy Project modules are now eligible for solar power subsidies in the UK.

Dr. Thomas Hillig, Director Sales & Marketing EMEA of Innotech Solar said, “The MCS certificate is another indicator for the quality of our products after other independent institutions like the Photovoltaic Institute have verified the high standard of Innotech Solar modules. The Economy Project line is mainly used for bigger installations and also offers a small carbon footprint in the production. In the following months we will be able to introduce even more certified module types that are tailored for diverse applications and thus offer special benefits to our customers.”

The Economy project series are mainly available in classes of 210/220/230Wp. With the TÜV certified and regularly calibrated measurement equipment Innotech Solar modules are flashed with a -0/+10Wp tolerance. The efficiency of the 230Wp modules reaches at least 14,06%. The modules come with a five year statutory warranty. Performance guarantee is 90% of output power for 10 years and 80% for 25 years, according to the Warranty Conditions of ITS.