Jersey Electricity (JE) has invited St Mary parishioners to view proposed plans for two ground-mount solar installations at La Rue d’Olive and La Rue de la Hougue Mauger.
In total the two sites span 68 vergées (17 acres) with a total generation capacity of 8MWp.
Both sites will export electricity back to the grid which will give the local community access to cheap locally-generated renewable energy.
The site will also help diversify Jersey’s energy mix.
“In an environment of increasing energy costs, finding new ways to cost effectively diversify Jersey’s sources of electricity is becoming increasingly important, and we believe community-based ground-mounted solar photovoltaics (PV) has an important role to play,” said Chris Ambler, CEO at Jersey Electricity.
“We hope that St Mary Parishioners will take the opportunity to learn more about ground-mount solar and come and view the site plans. Our team will be on hand to answer questions and listen to feedback. Engaging with the local community on these solar developments is important to JE and will help to shape the planning submission, so I would encourage people to come along, find out more and share their ideas.”
Noting the novelty of ground-mount solar in Jersey, Ambler added: “Ground-based solar is a relatively new technology for Jersey with many benefits for the local community. We understand concerns about agricultural land being taken away, which is why we are working hard to find new innovative ways of maintaining ongoing agricultural use.
“Livestock can continue to graze, and more sensitive crops can be grown that fare better under the shade of the panels. We are proposing using bifacial panels, so any light reflected off the ground or surrounding surfaces can also be absorbed behind the panel, generating more energy with less land.”
Despite their rarity in comparison to England, Scotland and Wales, Jersey is bolstering its solar portfolio.
In March 2023 for example, SolarEdge Technologies announced the installation of a 75kWp solar array at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in Jersey.