Kyoto, Japan-based manufacturer Kyocera has launched the “Solar Power Expo” website, which has been created to educate all ages about the use of solar power and to promote how solar energy can help tackle the environmental problems that the world faces daily.
The so-called user friendly and interactive site gives visitors the simulated experience of attending an outdoor solar power exposition with five unique pavilions featuring diverse themes. The different “pavilions” allow the solar tourist to engage in activities that introduce solar power, Kyocera’s history in solar power and environmental activities.
Taking advantage of fun visuals and music, visitors can look around the pavilions interacting with various features that introduce the marvel of solar power, the history of Kyocera solar power, and the various environmental activities that Kyocera is engaged in.
Kyocera Corporation was founded more than half a century ago, and has been proactive in research, development and promotion of solar power for more than 35 years. With the Solar Power Expo Web site, Kyocera hopes to help increase awareness about environmental issues and the amazing capabilities of solar power as a renewable energy source.