Adding to the growing number of solar installations cropping up in the nation’s capital, the London Fire Brigade has recently been investigating the potential for solar energy generation at over 100 sites.
Aerial mapping company Bluesky was commissioned by the brigade after concerns over rising energy bills and a need to reduce carbon emissions. Bluesky utilised aerial photography and 3D computer models to assess the suitability of all 100+ properties for solar installation and provided estimations of potential energy savings. Properties with the greatest potential were studied in further detail through 3D modelling and detailed shading analysis.
The London Fire Brigade, which employs approximately 7,000 staff, owns a diverse range of properties located across the capital. The information provided by Bluesky means that London Fire Brigade can now accurately assess its individual properties to fully understand the potential for solar installation and effectively target its resources and maximise its return on investment.
Bluesky calculates a building’s energy potential using high resolution aerial photography combined with 3D data to determine the size, aspect and gradient of individual properties. The suitability of each roof element is then considered taking into account roof shape and other impediments such as sky lights or dormer windows, as well as potential obstructions such as neighbouring properties or trees.