Portugal-based PV producer and developer Martifer Solar has revealed that it successfully connected five solar farms ahead of the 31 March renewable obligation deadline.
The five solar farms represent 57.8MW of new solar capacity connected to the grid and range in size from 7.7-18.7MW. The solar farms are located in Devon, Essex, Leicestershire, Cornwall and South Wales.
Henrique Rodrigues, CEO of Martifer Solar said that he was “proud” of his company’s achievements in the run up to the RO deadline. Rodrigues added that the company’s development experience in the UK “will be vital for our upcoming projects to be completed throughout emerging markets and other parts of Europe in the next few years”.
The solar projects are estimated to produce around 55GWh of clean electricity every year, providing enough energy to power over 79,000 households in the UK.
Martifer Solar said that the UK market has been one of its key markets over the last few years. Filinto Martins, head of business development in Europe for Martifer Solar, added: “Despite any current industry hurdles, we are confident that solar will continue to prosper in the country and currently we are developing a sustainable portfolio of around 100 MW of new projects.”
Martifer Solar has confirmed that it has an additional 9.2MW of qualified capacity to install under the RO grace period, which will be constructed before June 2015.