Image: Nottingham City Council.
The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is to strengthen its enforcement action as the body looks to bare its teeth.
The MCS is looking to hire a compliance and enforcement manager, who will be responsible for leading on all matters of compliance regarding both the scheme’s technical standards and its licence agreement.
Some of the position’s key responsibilities will be to investigate consumer complaints and identify patterns of behaviour which could be addressed by updating the scheme’s requirements. Recommending disciplinary action against installers or manufacturers found to contravene the code will also feature on the position’s list of responsibilities.
Since its inception in 2008, the MCS has acted as the small-scale renewable industry’s quality assurance scheme, certifying both products and installations to ensure they meet a rigid set of criteria. Solar installers that wish to offer feed-in tariff-accredited systems must be compliant with the MCS.
However the future mechanics of the scheme are uncertain as the solar industry continues on its path towards subsidy-free deployment. The feed-in tariff closes to new applicants from 1 April 2019, leading to fears that the installers would look to operate increasingly outside of MCS compliance, potentially placing consumers at risk.
Simultaneously the scheme has been transforming itself and late last year completed the novation process to become a charity. Interim chief executive Gideon Richards stood down from the MCS Service Company, paving the way for a new trio of directors to take the reins.
Chris Roberts, one of the new directors of the MCS, said at the time that the new leadership’s priority was to establish a new vision for the scheme.
The closing date for applications for the post is 3 April 2018. A job description can be found here and interested applicants should send a copy of their CV and covering letter to [email protected].