A Shade Greener has created 129 new jobs in the Southern Bristol area after the opening of their Southern Head Office in Paulton, Bristol. The group, who claim to be the UK’s largest free solar panel installer, now employs over 600 people in the solar industry.
Having recently celebrated their 10,000th install, the company has announced that they have been able to secure financing that will enable them to install another 35,000 solar panel installations by March 2015.
The maintained growth of A Shade Greener continues to defy the wider solar market, which has seen many companies make redundancies and some enter administration after the Government’s fast-track review of the feed-in tariff rate proposed drastic cuts for all solar photovoltaic systems.
Stewart Davies, Managing Director of A Shade Greener reiterated once more, that despite proposed swingeing Governmental cuts to solar, especially for aggregated installers such as A Shade Greener, systems will still remain free to customers: “We still have thousands of free systems to install on suitable homes, free solar is still free.”