Inverter manufacturer, Power Electronics has revealed that it broke the 1.2GW connected capacity milestone in the latest renewable obligation (RO) deadline rush.
The company said it had commissioned more than 55 separate solar projects totalling 600MW across the UK in the first three months of the year ahead of last week’s ROC deadline, exceeding the 350MW it had installed before March last year.
Last year Power Electronics said it connected 350MW of solar farms in the UK within just two weeks, with half of the reported figure having been connected in 48 hours ahead of last year’s ROC deadline.
And Power Electronics said the added capacity had seen the company take the lead in the solar inverter manufacturer stakes, having installed more than 1.2GW of total capacity in the UK to date.
The company said it had achieved this year’s installation total by planning to use multi-located engineers and off-grid commissioning sets.