The Renewable Energy Co-operative (R-ECO) has converted a Cornish tin mining site into a social regeneration project called ‘Heartlands’ by installing a range of sustainable energy technologies including solar photovoltaics.
The Convergence-funded project now has a range of cutting-edge renewable energy systems such as the conversion of waste to energy, wind power and biomass CHP.
The project has made use of a 50kW Solarcentury installation, including M185 modules and a Theta integrated racking system.
“Heartlands is an amazingly innovative and ground breaking project,” said Abraham Cambridge, Technical Director of R-ECO.
“We are witnessing the transformation of a symbol of the bygone days of Cornish Tin mining, and replacing it with a delectable selection of sustainable technologies.”
In order to maintain the Cornish heritage the company said it used a “great looking module and installed it flush with a slate roof.”
“It looks fantastic and shows why solar PV incorporation at the design stage of developments should be mandatory,” he opined.
Heartlands will be opened next year including a working model of a tin mine engine house, conference facilities and low cost office space.
The co-operative installation company, R-ECO is promoting local economic re-generation and environmental education in communities.