Ofgem has published a new table on its website outlining the feed-in tariff rates as of April 1 this year. Thanks to an annual boost from the Retail Price Index, some microgenerator’s FiT income will increase to 45.4p per kilowatt hour from that date.

This RPI increase occurs each year, and means that all those who have installed solar panels before March 3, 2012 will see their feed-in tariff payments increase by 4.8 percent. This means that those who are currently receiving the 43.3p rate will receive 45.4p/kWh from April 1.

However, the current court case throws into question the FiT rate for those who have installed between Government’s two reference dates: December 12, 2011 and March 3, 2012.

Those with 4kW installations completed on or after December 12, 2011 are currently receiving the 43.3p rate, although this will change to 21p on April 1 if Government wins on appeal to the Supreme Court.

If Government loses on appeal, all installations from March 3, 2012 will receive the 43.3p rate until April 1, when the rate will still drop to 21p while those who installed and registered before March 3 receive the RPI increased rates. The following chart, which outlines the FiT payment for 4kW systems installed between December 12, 2011 and March 3, 2012, may make this easier to undertand.


The table below outlines the rates for all systems up to 5MW.

As well as highlighting the feed-in tariff rates for FiT years one and two, the table also outlines the potential tariffs for FiT year three. However, the higher, middle and lower rates provided by Ofgem differ from those outlined by Government last week in its latest feed-in tariff update. Ofgem was unavailable to comment on this when we contacted its office this morning.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) confirmed that the new RPI tariffs quoted in the table below are correct, however the department will be working with the energy regulator to ensure that the information on the impact of the appeal is clear on the Ofgem website.

The solar industry is currently waiting for clarity from DECC on whether it will in fact appeal to the Supreme Court, or whether it will accept the Court of Appeal ruling that its December 12 reference date was “unlawful.”


FiT Year 1 (2010/2011)

FiT Year 2 (2011/12)

FiT Year 3 (2012/13)


Solar photovoltaic with total installed capacity of 4kW or less, where attached to or wired to provide electricity to a new building before first occupation



If eligibility date is before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/12:


Higher rate: 21.0

Middle rate: 16.8

Lower rate: 9.0


Solar photovoltaic with total installed capacity of 4kW or less, where attached to or wired to provide electricity to a building which is already occupied




If eligibility date is before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/12:


Higher rate: 21.0

Middle rate: 16.8

Lower rate: 9.0


Solar photovoltaic (other than stand-alone) with total installed capacity greater than 4kW but not exceeding 10kW




If eligibility date is before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/12:


Higher rate: 16.8

Middle rate: 13.4

Lower rate: 9.0


Solar photovoltaic (other than stand-alone) with total installed capacity greater than 10kW but not exceeding 50kW




If eligibility date is before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/12:


Higher rate: 15.2

Middle rate: 12.2

Lower rate: 9.0




Solar photovoltaic (other than stand-alone) with total installed capacity greater than 50kW but not exceeding 100kW




If eligibility date is before 01/08/11:



If eligibility date is on or after 01/08/11 and before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/13:



Higher rate: 12.9

Middle rate: 10.3

Lower rate: 9.0




Solar photovoltaic (other than stand-alone) with total installed capacity greater than 100kW but not exceeding 150kW




If eligibility date is before 01/08/11:



If eligibility date is on or after 01/08/11 and before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/13:



Higher rate: 12.9

Middle rate: 10.3

Lower rate: 9.0




Solar photovoltaic (other than stand-alone) with total installed capacity greater than 150kW but not exceeding 250kW




If eligibility date is before 01/08/11:



If eligibility date is on or after 01/08/11 and before 03/03/12:



If eligibility date is on or after 03/03/13:



Higher rate: 12.9

Middle rate: 10.3

Lower rate: 9.0



Solar photovoltaic (other than stand-alone) with total installed capacity greater than 250kW




If eligibility date is before 01/08/11:



If eligibility date is on or after 01/08/11:





Stand-alone (autonomous) solar photovoltaic (not attached to a building and not wired to provide electricity to an occupied building)




If eligibility date is before 01/08/11:



If eligibility date is on or after 01/08/11:




Export Tariff 3.2 3.2 3.2