E.ON led the way when they installed one of the largest combined solar thermal and photovoltaic arrays in the UK on the side of their head office in Coventry. Not only does the installation give a live example of what a large commercial array could generate – approximately 25MWh per annum, it also saves around 14.2 tonnes of CO2 per annum.

The Financial Case
The picture above shows only part of the total array at E.ON HQ. A 23kW peak output PV system like this could generate a potential revenue of around £5,043 in the first year and coupled with an energy saving of approximately £873 in the first year, that’s a total of almost £6,000.

Benefits of the Westwood solar array
The array provides approximately 60% of the hot water demand, supplying the gym and kitchen. The array currently generates around 25MWh in its component parts for the PV and thermal each year. A 23kW peak output PV system like this could generate around £5,043 per annum. Energy costs avoided of around £873 over the year. The CO2 saved over the year was 14.2 tonnes. Low maintenance. Panels have a 25-30 year lifespan.