The Solar Power Portal and Energy Storage News Awards 2018 is now just a matter of weeks away and our respective shortlists have been made public.
More than 70 projects and companies have been shortlisted across this year’s 15 public categories, with the winners set to be crowned during the gala dinner ceremony at the Hilton Metropole Birmingham on Wednesday 17 October 2018.
This year’s ceremony will be hosted by esteemed architect and TV personality George Clarke, with around 600 industry professionals set to attend.
As we countdown to the ceremony, Solar Power Portal is to shine the spotlight on this year’s shortlisted nominations, and today we look at the Grount-mount Solar Installation category.
The shortlisted entries are;
- Dunore, Northern Ireland – Greencells
- Cranfield University Airfield – RenEnergy
- Netley South – Ethical Power
- Tilesdown House – The Solar Electrician
Last year, Ethical Power constructed the Netley South solar farm on a former landfill site in Southampton, originally developed by REG Power. It transformed around 23 acres of former landfill to a near-5MW solar farm. The EPC had to overcome a number of hurdles, not least those posed by the nature of the ground and limitations on foundation systems.
Furthermore, even access to the site was made difficult by it having to go through a waste transfer station. That required traffic control measures to be coordinated closely with Veolia.
The build was further complicated by the need to finish the project in the winter, but nevertheless the installation was completed and commissioned in eight weeks. But having overcome those development hurdles, can Ethical Power win on the night? All will be revealed at this year’s SPP & ESN Awards.
Tickets for the ceremony are available to purchase now, and include full access to the pre-ceremony drinks reception, black tie gala dinner, awards ceremony and evening entertainment. Tickets and table packages can be purchased online here or by contacting Sue Bradshaw.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available and include a VIP table for the evening. If you are interested in sponsoring a category at this year’s award, please contact our marketing team.