After weeks of anticipation – and scrupulous planning – the UK’s largest solar industry event has finally opened its doors to the British public en masse. After making its debut in Munich and then opening for its first UK show in London last year, Solar Power UK has made its way up the M6 to Birmingham.
Located in central England, the UK’s second largest city is this year playing host to solar enthusiasts from all over the world, who have gathered together to celebrate what is becoming one of the world’s fastest-growing solar markets. With more than 3,000 exhibition attendees and almost 400 conference delegates, this year’s show promises to be bigger and better than ever before.
The Solar Power Portal team made its way up to the event last night, scrambling onto the train with suitcases packed and Dictaphones at the ready. Arriving at the venue early this morning eyes were blurry but spirits were high as exhibitors made the final touches to their booths and visitors begun to arrive. In total more than 1,000 people arrived on the opening day to celebrate the UK's solar industry.
Opening the proceedings for day one of the conference, David Owen, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Solar Media, organisers of the event, said, “It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all here in Birmingham today. Internationally, solar technology is one of the most pioneering industries of the future and, while it has taken a few years, the UK has made its mark. We are extremely pleased with the positive growth at this year’s event, and would like to thank all of our sponsors and partners for their support in making our dream a reality.”
“Amid rising energy costs and a fast-approaching winter, solar PV offers us the opportunity to become our own energy generator and control our energy prices for the next 25 years. It is a democratic and renewable source of energy that can help the UK transition to a low carbon economy,” he continued.
As the conference got into full swing conference delegates lined up to hear more. With a total of over 50 speakers over the three days, including a keynote speech from the Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, Greg Barker, the sessions will cover topics from politics and market to technology and business.
If you’re looking for information on our news coverage on-site, our editorial plans for future publications of Solar Business Focus or just looking for an excuse to meet the Solar Power Portal team, drop by our booth at C1-6.