Conergy’s restructuring strategies do not appear to have hindered its progress, having signed a deal with distributor Waxman Energy to improve access to Conergy products across the UK.

“The sun has not set on major deals in solar and this is part of a strategy of close partnerships with both distributors and installers,” said Robert Goss, MD Conergy UK.

“Conergy have been working in the UK for a couple of years supplying ten or so major installers during that time, and we realise that there are some smaller installers who probably want to get hold of our products and also that people like Waxman have relationships with small and large installers working on major end-user projects,” Goss told Solar Power Portal.

“The best way to get into the market for a lot of people is through Waxman. They’re financially secure which means that we don’t get exposed to dealing with very small companies who may not meet their orders.

“Our target will be 3-5MW with them next year. As a company, we’re involved with solar farms and that sort of thing. I guess we’re more interested in those larger chunks of business.

Waxman Energy has been showcasing Conergy modules at Solar Power UK in Birmingham this week, alongside its black panel range from electronics giant LG.

Speaking to Solar Portal, Goss also expressed his delight at Conergy’s latest CSR campaign in association with the British Red Cross. Once tenders were offered, the Red Cross whittled down the list of manufacturers and suppliers to 15, Conergy was selected.

“Last year, as part of our forward-looking strategy, we decided to look at generating our own energy through photovoltaic panels. PV technology is easy to install and, thanks to the feed-in tariff, it supplies a financial return,” explained Richard Dickens, Environmental Officer, British Red Cross. “We identified three properties in Exeter, Reading and Nottingham that had south-facing roofs which were suitable to support a solar installation. Then we had to find the right partner to do the job.”

Of the three locations, Exeter is the most extensive with 160 Conergy PowerPlus panels; during July and August it generated 10,991kWh of energy. Reading generated 5,265kWh and Nottingham 2,765kWh. Taken together, that equates to savings of £5,167 and a total carbon reduction of 9,978 kilos, states Conergy.

At each of the locations, there is now a digital real-time read-out in the reception which details how much energy has been generated and how that translates into carbon reduction and cost-savings. Conergy insists that that this has proved something of an eye-opener for staff, volunteers and visitors.

According to Dickens, Conergy’s warranty scheme was its main attraction.

The product warranty was extended in February by a further two years to 12 years, with a guarantee valid for 25 years.

“The warranty was important to us because this is a long-term investment and we needed the extra protection that Conergy provides,” adds Dickens. “After assessing all the manufacturers, Conergy was also the best panel manufacturer.”

Family-run installer Square Deal Solar, and long-term partner of Conergy, was selected to complete structural surveys of the three properties. Working with Conergy, the company also designed the most appropriate and best-yielding solar arrays. It then dispatched a team of installers to complete the process.

Initially, the Red Cross had no intention of extending the project beyond the original three properties, however, the unexpected success and returns are making the organisation have a rethink.

“The payback period has not been reduced so it has become a more commercially viable proposition; that’s why we are now considering where else might be suitable for a solar installation.”