SSE has forecast that the project will save up to 1,704,443KWh over the course of a year. Image: SSE.
SSE Energy Solutions has announced the end of phase one of its country-wide decarbonisation initiative in partnership with Monmouthshire County Council.
There are 14 schools in the programme, including Chepstow Comprehensive, which underwent energy efficiency assessments to identify clean energy generation solutions including solar photovoltaics (PV) on roofs and carports.
SSE Energy Solutions has said that so far the project has reduced the carbon emissions of 22 council-owned buildings by retrofitting offices and leisure centres with smart energy, lighting and heating systems.
Over the course of the year SSE has forecasted that the project save up to 1,704,443KWh.
Monmouthshire County Council’s cabinet member for climate change and the environment, Cllr. Catrin Maby praised the project, stating that SSE provided a solution to the county’s decarbonisation targets.
Maby used Chepstow Comprehensive School and Leisure Centre, as an example, saying: “the LED lighting, high efficiency boilers and CHP, new air handling unit and solar car port combined will save over £100,000 of energy costs and 226 tonnes of carbon every year.”
Earlier this year, SSE Energy Solutions formed a similar solar partnership with the University of Surrey. The project will see a 12.2MW solar farm developed on the university’s land to help it meet its target of net zero by 2030.