The percentage of the public in ‘strong support’ of solar has soared to new highs according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s latest public attitudes tracker.

DECC surveyed more than 2,000 members of the public in late March and asked them a series of questions related to the wider energy market, including the public support for renewables questions asked every other survey.

The latest wave of the survey showed that 44% of those surveyed said they were in ‘strong support’ of solar as a source of renewable energy, higher than any previous wave. General support for solar also remained high with 84% of respondents indicating their support.

Just two per-cent of those questioned said they opposed solar as a technology.

Support for shale gas extraction meanwhile continued its negative trend and received support from just 19% of those surveyed, a record low. Indifference was high at almost half of respondents (46%), however total opposition grew once again to 31%.