The Michael Hall School in East Sussex has reinforced its strong eco-values by installing a 30kWp solar PV installation. The solar PV installation was driven by the student-led Eco Group, which stands by the key principles of reducing waste and energy, designing sustainably and creatively, encouraging ecological growth, becoming more sufficient, supporting natural surroundings, rethinking how the school runs and bringing innovative ideas together.
The Eco Group identified the opportunity provided by the school’s south-facing areas as ideal for the installation of solar PV panels. Having decided to investigate the possibilities of a solar PV installation at the school and following vigorous research among both local and national solar installation companies, the school chose Edenbridge-based solar company, Solar Advanced Systems Ltd to design and carry out their installation.
Solar Advanced Systems utilised both pitched and flat roof solutions to maximise the amount of energy that the school could produce from their solar installation. The company commented that it was delighted to accept the project and help play a part in the school’s steps to becoming a more sustainable site.
The school hopes that the solar PV installation will help the campus substantially slash its carbon footprint as well as benefit from reduced bills and a 25-year guaranteed income from the feed-in tariff scheme.