British energy company Good Energy Group PLC has announced that an export tariff of 40p per kilowatt hour will be available for customers of its solar branch, Good Energy Solar.
Trade association Solar Energy UK has welcomed the UK government’s decision to change the remit of energy regulator Ofgem to include a ‘principle objective’ to meet net zero targets.
Don’t get disheartened or distracted by the current state of UK political discourse on solar PV. Instead, focus on the strong underlying growth trends of the industry, high public support for UK solar and continued developments in PV technology.
Connection charges for generation – including solar PV – are to be reduced, with energy regulator Ofgem having published its final decision in the Access and Forward-Looking Charges Significant Code Review (SCR).
Connection charges for generation – including solar PV – are to be reduced, with energy regulator Ofgem having published its final decision in the Access and Forward-Looking Charges Significant Code Review (SCR).