Warwickshire-based automotive tool specialists, the Tool Connection, has invested in solar panels to help drive down its manufacturing costs. The company, which counts Laser, Power-TEC, Kamasa and Gunson amongst its leading tool and workshop consumables brands, hopes that its new solar installation will help cut its current electricity consumption by around 35 percent.

Quality & Environment Co-ordinator Andy Hughes explained: “We are in the fortunate position of having an enormous roof area, most of which cannot be seen by our neighbours and passers-by. The solar panels currently occupy just a sixth of this space, so we have plenty of room for expansion in the future!”

The Tool Connection’s Managing Director, Martin Smith, added: “As an expanding company in Southam, we have an increasing duty of care to the environment and our employees to ensure that we operate efficiently.

“We took the view that our obligations to energy providers would only ever increase. Committing to this project allows us to gain control of at least a portion of this cost, with the added sparkle of the environmental impact offset.”

The 176-module strong solar array is the latest in a range of energy efficiency measures, including low-energy lighting, that the company has introduced in an attempt to keep bills as low as possible as well as minimising the manufacturer’s impact on the environment.