The latest solar installation figures from DECC show that install rates have continued to recover after April 1, with 3,051 installations completed in the week ending July 15.
The addition 12.95MW of capacity this week means that the industry has installed almost 125MW of <50kWp solar to the national grid, enough to power over 62,000 homes with green electricity.
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) also revised figures for last week that show that, contrary to initial figures which reported only 2,183 installs, 3,284 installs were actually put in place in the week ending July 8.
The figures are in line with market predictions that estimate that the UK solar market will experience another miniature boom in the run-up to August 1 when the FiT rate will be revised downward again and the scheme’s lifetime will be reduced from 25 to 20 years.