Although there may be rare blips in the cost of energy for consumers, for example whereby the recent drop in oil prices caused a minor price decrease, the consensus from energy experts we work with across the globe is that they will only continue to increase again and again as we go forward.
But, what does this mean for the renewable sector, and in particular, how will this affect the solar market?
We recently welcomed new market research which indicates that the solar power market will continue to grow at an unprecedented rate in the coming years, as more and more homeowners seek a solution to the rising cost of energy prices.
According to the survey1 carried out market researchers Mintel a huge three fifths of householders are now considering the solar PV option, as a result of the perpetual rise in energy bills. And the general opinion from industry experts is that the demand for solar PV, which has exploded since 2010, shows massive growth potential.
This research further substantiates the position we have long taken regarding the continuing growth of the solar energy market.
The reality is that with energy prices on the up and the fuel poverty crisis escalating, our current approach to energy isn’t sustainable and we must take action today. Solar PV is integral to this, providing an affordable, effective energy alternatives and security from further changes.