Image: Nottingham City Council.
Social housing provider Optivo has launched a procurement tender worth up to £100 million over the next four years seeking development partners to deliver a series of rooftop solar PV installations across the UK public sector property portfolio.
The company, responsible for over 44,000 homes across London, the South East and the Midlands, launched the tender over the weekend, which will seek to deploy 5MW of rooftop solar over four year, although contracts may go beyond this period.
The housing association is seeking a single developer partner but would accept a consortium of companies bidding into the framework under suitable circumstances.
Developers will need to demonstrate a track record of project delivery in roof-top solar PV projects at scale within the past two years from development through to O&M of the completed installations.
They will also have to show a history of securing and deploying funding from a source accustomed to doing work in the public sector, as well as an a professional and experienced supply chain with relevant previous experience in the roof-top PV marketplace, including experience with social landlords and public sector bodies.
Under the framework agreement, the selected organisation and its supply chain will also be required to actively participate in the achievement of social and/or environmental policy objectives relating to recruitment, training and supply chain initiatives.
Optivo is letting the framework agreement for itself and on behalf of other registered providers operating within the UK, including central and local authorities, housing associations and ALMOs. A number of other entities will therefore have access to the framework, which hopes to assess five candidates, to deploy the estimated £100 million.
The potential scale of the tender dwarfs the recent framework launched by Nottingham City Council, which could reach a maximum value of £55 million if other local authorities and partner organisations participate in the scheme.
Interested firms have until 5 February to request participation, with invitations sent to selected candidates a week later.