EDF will install solar and storage solutions in social housing as part of five new trails exploring how clean technologies can help reduce carbon consumption and save costs.
Solar Power Portal caught up with Richard Partington, managing director of AceOn Energy to discuss the company’s social housing business model, its new battery and why now is the perfect time to rollout solar and storage.
Energy supplier Rebel Energy and renewable technology company AceOn have teamed up to install solar and battery storage systems in social and affordable homes.
A partnership between energy saving specialists Happy Energy Solutions, EDF and British solar company UKSOL has created a grant for landlords of social housing to roll out solar PV across their housing stock.
SMS has launched a new solution to offer local housing authorities a fully financed solar generation and smart battery storage solution, entitled Solopower.
Solarplicity is expanding its roll-out of solar for social housing landlords country-wide after a successful pilot alongside Stoke-on-Trent City Council.
Enphase Energy has launched its new, seventh generation Enphase IQ microinverters in the UK and backed them to find a place in the country’s growing social housing and new build markets.