
February 15, 2018
Over 9,000MWh of battery energy storage could be deployed in Britain over the next five years as the sector enjoys a trend towards “explosive growth” driven largely by the country’s clean energy transition, a market analyst has said.
January 29, 2018
Moixa has made greater strides into the Japanese market after securing £5 million investment from trading house Itochu, which will install the British company’s GridShare aggregation platform as standard on its own home battery product.
January 18, 2018
Shell Energy Europe has signed an initial five year power purchase agreement (PPA) with British Solar Renewables (BSR) to take power generated at England’s largest solar farm at RAF Lyneham.
December 20, 2017
With the release of the most recent Capacity Market pre-qualification register, the UK’S utility-scale battery storage pipeline has now reached nearly 8GW. Solar Media market research analyst Lauren Cook takes a deep dive into the projects that made it through pre-qualification, and what these results mean for the projects likely to get built in 2018.
December 7, 2017
Wales’ largest solar farm, complete with significant energy storage capacity, is to be built on Anglesey after Countryside Renewables successfully overturned a decision in November refusing planning permission.
November 9, 2017
Ofgem has sought to reassure solar farm owners that it will not withdraw accreditation to subsidy schemes without having a good reason to do so as it continues to work on guidance for co-locating energy storage assets with solar.
October 31, 2017
The UK’s large-scale battery storage installations have reached 100MW of capacity, made up of around 50 individual sites larger than 250kW. However, as Solar Media Market Research analyst Lauren Cook explains, data from the UK Battery Storage Project Database report shows that this is just the beginning, with revenue stream patterns emerging to show how projects are proving to be successful.
October 31, 2017
Hazel Capital has been bought by investment manager Gresham House through a combination of cash and newly issued shares, which includes new investment in three energy storage projects.
October 26, 2017
Investors in renewable energy technologies have had to undergo “a journey” from the fixed revenue offered by traditional solar projects to the “grey area” of energy storage revenues.
October 19, 2017
Chinese manufacturer Growatt has revealed it is building up a base of accredited storage installers in the UK.

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